Charitable giving

We believe in the power of giving back, making charity engagement integral to our operations.

Charitable giving

We support good causes

Murgitroyd is committed to supporting good causes and playing our part in working closely with the charitable sector.  Our Charitable Giving team has been a vital part of Murgitroyd's corporate culture for many years, working painstakingly to support our Company ethos of responsible giving.

We have a long history of supporting good causes and the charitable sector. Our Charitable Giving team is a key part of our Impact group working closely with other teams across the group, such as the Environment and the Community Outreach & Engagement teams, to decide how best to support a whole host of good causes.

The team regularly engages with colleagues to identify causes to support and our remit includes:

  1. Encouraging and supporting colleagues who are fundraising for causes close to their hearts
  2. Donating to organisations working in areas suffering from large-scale emergencies and disasters
  3. Working with teams across the company to aid with internal and external initiatives.

Our Charitable Giving committee members are:

  • Ana Barahona – Project Manager
  • Fiona Mason – Company Secretary
  • Margaret Hastie – HR Business Partner
  • Danielle Louden - Patent Support
  • Cara Kavinsky – HR Assistant
  • Rebecca Pedler - Marketing Director

The team meets regularly to discuss how we can continue to support good causes within the IP community, the communities that are local to our office network and other community-led initiatives across the world.

Jonathans Voice logo

Jonathan’s Voice

In recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day, we made a donation to Jonathan’s Voice, a mental health charity that drives understanding of and support for mental health in the intellectual property sector, with a particular focus on men’s mental health and suicide prevention. They currently fund research into contributing factors to male suicidal despair and how to aid recovery from this. At Murgitroyd, we have found their resources invaluable for educating and raising awareness of mental health issues within the IP profession.

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Macmillan Cancer Support logo

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan supports and advocates for those living with cancer. They train and provide nurses, support workers, and palliative care workers, provide workplace training and lobby decision makers. They also offer advice around finances, which can be severely affected by cancer diagnosis and treatments and provide advice and access to welfare and grants to help with bills.

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Cancer Support UK logo

Cancer Support UK

Cancer Support UK identified a gap in cancer support provision around psychosocial support for those undergoing cancer treatment, and those who have completed treatment. When treatment has been completed, low mood and anxiety are common and can make continued recovery difficult. Cancer Support UK has “Cancer Coach” support groups which provide participants with the tools for emotional recovery. They also provide essential kits for all ages, designed by those who have themselves had cancer, with items that are handy to have during treatment.

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Cancer Research UK logo

Cancer Research UK

Alongside support provision for those with cancer, ongoing research to prevent, treat, and beat cancer is required. Cancer Research UK funds medical research into different types of cancer, with oversight from multiple organisations to ensure that funds are being spent appropriately. They also develop policies that can feed into Government work and decisions around cancer, healthcare, and research, and provide information about cancer to the public.

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Dementia UK

Dementia UK provides access to specially trained dementia nurses for those affected by dementia. The charity also campaigns to raise awareness of dementia, including how to support colleagues with dementia to stay in work for as long as possible, and how to help and support colleagues who are caring for family members with the condition.

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Marie Curie

Marie Curie provides practical, emotional, and medical support to those affected by a terminal diagnosis, from preparing the individual and their families for death, to providing hospice care (in a hospice or at home) to offering bereavement support. Their palliative and end of life care aims to preserve dignity and allow those receiving the care to live the best life they can.

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Alzheimer's Society

The Alzheimer’s Society is committed to transforming the lives of those affected by dementia. Every day, the organisation provides vital support to individuals and families facing its challenges, ensuring help is available when it’s needed the most.

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