Apolinar Picado

Apolinar Picado

Senior Supervisor of Chem/Bio


Apolinar Picado is a member of our Chemistry and Biotechnology Patent Search Team.

Apolinar joined the firm in 2016 as a Senior Intellectual Property (IP) Engineer Supervisor. He earned his Dipl.-Ing. in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Engineering (UNI), Nicaragua and Licentiate of Engineering (LicEng) in Chemical Engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

Apolinar worked as Research Engineer at KTH, where he researched on heat and mass transfer in multicomponent systems, and modelling and simulation of drying processes. He also worked as Brewhouse Process Supervisor and was a Braumeister apprentice (Weihenstephan training). He is an Adjunct Professor of Applied Engineering at Keiser University, where he lectures on many aspects of Applied Chemistry and Mathematics. He has authored several scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.

Apolinar’s intellectual property experience has been principally in technical areas such as catalytic converters, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, materials science, electroporation, and heavy crude oil refining. But he is also consulted to assist clients in other technical areas, given his technical expertise.

Apolinar is based in our Managua office.

Core Expertise: Catalytic converters, petroleum refining processes, medical devices, electroporation, brewing, heat and mass transfer, drying technology, food engineering, water technology, process engineering, and product design & development.

  • Catalytic converters
  • Petroleum refining processes
  • Dispositifs médicaux
  • Electroporation
  • Brewing
  • Heat and mass transfer
  • drying technology
  • Food engineering
  • Water technology
  • Process engineering
  • Product design & development
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