Robert Börner

Robert Börner

Director, Patents and Trade Marks


Robert Börner studied general physics at the Technical University of Munich. After completing his diploma thesis in the field of electron spectroscopy, he worked as a Chemical Department research in the UK. During his PhD studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Robert researched chemical reactions on metal surfaces under high vacuum.

In 2001, Robert joined a Munich-based patent attorney firm for his training as a German and European Patent Attorney. He completed that training in 2005, passing both the German and European qualification examinations.

He joined Murgitroyd in 2011, to build up and lead the German office which is located in close proximity to the European Patent Office in Munich. Robert was appointed Director, Patents and Trade Marks in 2013 and moved to Japan on secondment in 2023.

In addition to his experience in patent prosecution and litigation on various technical fields, Robert has wide experience in matters relating to trade marks and designs.

Some of Robert’s major trade mark clients have been in the following sectors: pharmaceuticals, food/groceries, consumer goods

  • Physique
  • Physical chemistry
  • Material science
  • Dispositifs médicaux
  • Génie mécanique
  • Textile machinery
  • Paper processing machinery
  • Electron microscopy
  • Sensors
  • Laser printing technology
  • Blow molding
  • Telecommunications

Key contributor to our Mechanical Engineering Team awarded Gold by the Financial Times

Financial Times European Leading Patent Law Firms - 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 & 2024

Fantastic news! Thank you very much for all your help putting the [Restoration] appeal together.

UK based Inventor

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