Modern Slavery Act

UK Modern Slavery Act Policy Statement 2024/25

This statement is made in relation to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and sets out the steps which MURGITROYD has taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain.

In accordance with our culture of continuous improvement and development, we also set out the steps that we plan to take in the forthcoming financial year to improve upon and enhance our policies and procedures in this area. We are committed to conducting business responsibly and to maintaining systems and processes to reduce the risk of slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chain.

Structure & Organisation

MURGITROYD provides Intellectual Property legal services to a global client base. We employ a highly skilled workforce of over 470 employees, based in nine countries. MURGITROYD is a limited liability company registered in Scotland (SC144082). We are regulated by IPReg. We work to the highest ethical and professional standards, providing professional services to our clients and associates. Our client base is made up predominately of multi-national and SME sized commercial organisations, research and development focused companies, universities and other institutions who have an interest in obtaining intellectual property rights in order to protect and advance their business interests.

Supply Chain

Our global supply chain can broadly be broken into the following key categories:

  • Business Services: including catering, cleaning and travel services and outsourced document production and business process services, including consultants and other specialists.
  • Professional Services: including services provided by IP firms in jurisdictions out with those in which we operate and also advisors to our business such as financial auditors.
  • Property: including leases for our offices, services provided by security providers and contractors engaged in relation to fit-out works etc. and the purchase of office furniture and equipment.
  • Human Resources: including services in relation to recruitment and payroll.
  • Technology: including services provided in relation to our technology, software and equipment.

Recruitment & Selection Policy

We apply the highest possible standards in the recruitment and employment of our staff. We conduct full reference and/or background checks on our prospective employees, prior to them joining the business. When recruiting, we comply with all employment legislation and any applicable regulations.

Our employees are expected to comply with relevant laws and professional codes of conduct, as well as our internal policies and procedures. Each employee has an employment agreement outlining matters which may include remuneration, job title, role scope, rest and holiday periods and notice period.

Health & Safety Policy

We are dedicated to providing a healthy and safe working environment for all of our employees and contractors working on site. Our Health & Safety Policy provides full details of the steps we take.

Equality & Diversity Policy

We take a rigorous approach to preventing the occurrence of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation at work. We value the benefits which a diverse workforce can bring to supporting the successful growth of our business and to providing the best advice and service to our clients.

Fair Reward

We are an accredited Living Wage employer (UK) and committed to fair reward on salary, bonus and benefits schemes.

Training & Awareness

We consider our business to be low risk, but do make all employees aware of our Policy on Modern Slavery by communicating this periodically (at least annually) on our internal collaborative hub and expect our employees to live by our Core Values, the first heading of which are Trust, Unity and Confidence. This aspect has been built into our induction programme.

Risk and Compliance

We carry out client and supplier audits which allow us to evaluate the nature and extent of exposure to the risk of modern slavery occurring in our supply chain, and in particular through our suppliers and partners.

We require and expect all of our key business partners and suppliers to adhere to similar commitments and to maintain the highest standards of professionalism, ethics and integrity.

This relates to matters including human trafficking, slavery, ethical behaviour, anti-bribery and corruption. If we were to find evidence of a failure to comply with this or any other policy we would immediately seek to terminate our relationship with the relevant partner or supplier.

Our Company Core Values Trust, Unity and Confidence underwrite the standards of professional, ethical and collegiate behaviour which we expect from all employees. Training and support is available to all staff from our Human Resources department. We also have processes in place to allow employees to raise any concerns they may have, anonymously if requested. We encourage employees to seek guidance or to speak up without any fear of retribution about any concerns which they may have regarding any aspect of modern slavery, ethical behaviour, human trafficking or risks emanating from or behaviour attributable to our suppliers or partners.

Our overall policies and procedures ensure we:

  • Have clear policies in place setting out the standards we will adhere to in our Company
  • Monitor potential risk areas of our business and supply chains
  • Provide adequate protection for whistleblowers
  • Reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring

This statement was approved by the management executive of Murgitroyd & Company Limited on 21st October 2024.

Gordon Stark

Chief Executive

Murgitroyd & Company Limited

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